
abril 07, 2009

Andriy Solovey How to Become an Expert. Top 7 Qualities 

Excellent(!) from From Javalobby (http://java.dzone.com/) and Andriy Solovey blog (http://softwarecreation.org/)

Experts do not need rules to make decisions. They have qualities that allow them to consistently make good decisions and show a high level of performance under different circumstances without any rules. This article discusses these core qualities that turn a novice into an expert.


Problems with rules: most rules didn’t come from heaven. They come from ordinary people. They are product of practice, theories, traditions and fear.


Core 7 Qualities of the Expert

1. Motivation. Believe in self. Energy. Unsatisfaction
Motivation appears to be a more important factor than innate ability in the development of expertise. - Scientific American

You have to believe in self to become a successful expert. An expert needs strength, energy and motivation to go beyond ordinary performance levels.
Top performers in different disciplines do this - envision own success and prepare their minds to achieve higher levels. Thinking can "wire" our brains for developing new capabilities and success.
Questions: Am I ready? How can I boost my strength, energy and motivation? How will I succeed?

2. Hard Work. Discipline. Focus.
The differences between expert performers and normal adults reflects a life-long period of deliberate effort to improve performance in a specific domain. - Anders Ericsson

Hard work is not as difficult after you start and dive into it. Often the problem is that you cannot start or concentrate. Procrastination ruins your progress. There are many barriers for focused and productive work:

Keep yourself interested. Switch if you start loosing focus and interest. Reboot. Have prepared practices in different areas to enable a fresh start for your mind.

Questions: How do I maintain focus, stay committed and interested? Do I have clear goals, an action plan and productive environment?

3. Think critically. Think as a beginner
In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert there are few - Suzuki Roshi

As an expert you cannot go with the flow, believe everything and hide behind authoritative opinions. You cannot stick with your own views forever without changing them. You have to think critically: challenge beliefs, existing theories and dominant ideas. Some of them are completely wrong. Many of them have flaws and can be improved. Most of them are not the best in your specific context.

Better unforeseen solutions exist if you look for them. If you don’t think critically, you will be a follower without much chances to grow your ideas and find better solutions. Keep your mind open and question ideas including your own.
Questions: What are hard facts, assumptions and theories? What should I trust, dismiss or verify?

4. Full brain power. Use right brain (in addition to left).
The right hemisphere synthesizes over space. The left analyzes over time. - Jerre Levy

Your right brain (more accurately - right brain mode) is inherited from our animal ancestors and shaped by millions years of evolution. Right brain mode is much more powerful, reliable and faster than left brain mode. Right brain works in parallel with images, subconscious mind and deep vast memory (even when you sleep). On the contrary, left brain works with symbols and words; it is logical, analytical and linear. It can only work with few ideas in the same time (4-7) and needs focus and conscious effort. We need left brain to formulate, express ideas and communicate them to others.
Experts are using both brains - left for rational thinking, analysis and communication, right for intuition, imagination and creative insights. One of the best books how to start using you right brain is The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.
Learn how to expand your brain power with the right brain mode. If you use only left brain mode, you’ll stay dull, rational and predictable specialist.
Questions: How can I engage both brain modes? (Hint: interest, humor, senses, emotions, surprise.) What puzzles can I feed to my subconscious mind?

5. Continuous learning. Sharing
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust

Experts never stop to learn. The day you believe you know everything is your last day as an expert. Experts learn from new research and existing knowledge, they learn from other people and they learn from their own experience. Also they learn from disciplines outside of their professional realm that can provide new ideas.
For a example, a programmer could benefit from learning:

Make learning an essential part of your everyday life. If you don’t learn, you stop your journey to become an expert.

You gain deeper knowledge if you share your knowledge with other people - discuss, explain, teach, blog, speak, present. Other people - with different views and perspective - will quickly show weaknesses and quality of your knowledge. Sharing with others will push your learning further and deeper than keeping knowledge to yourself.

Questions: What do I not know? How will I learn it? How will I share it?

6. Self-improvement. Know yourself.
Why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye but fail to notice the beam in your own eye? - Matthew

We protect ourselves from inconvenient truth and often are blind to own mistakes. Our psychological defense systems help to avoid depression and anxiety by protecting our ego, but also distort our view and perception of true reality.
Good experts are capable of seeing the truth, being objective and correcting themselves. They try to avoid the trap of groupthink, crowd psychology and self white washing. They know their own strengths, weaknesses and biases.
Seek the truth about yourself, know your internal beliefs and motivation and improve yourself. Otherwise, your rosy distorted pictures will hinder your growth and you will become the part of the problem, not the solution.
Questions: What can I do better? How can I improve myself? Am I honest with myself?

7. Big picture. Systems Thinking. Creative solutions.
Opportunity ideas do not lie around waiting to be discovered. Such ideas need to be produced. - Edward de Bono

Experts' main advantages are tacit knowledge and experience. They understand the big picture, reality, context and how systems work. However, it is not enough. Experts should solve problems. And therefore, they should train themselves for problem solving, innovation and changing reality in the novel ways. The outcome, a creative solution, is quintessence of hard work, deep knowledge and intuition.
Questions: What is the big picture: forces, players and relations? How things can be done better? Do I see new ways?

Questions to Ask Yourself

  1. Motivation - Am I ready? How can I boost my strength, energy and motivation? How will I succeed?
  2. Focus - How do I maintain focus, stay committed and interested? Do I have clear goals, action plan and productive environment?
  3. Critical thinking - What are hard facts, assumptions and theories? What should I trust, dismiss or verify?
  4. Full Brain power - How can I engage my both brain modes? What puzzles can I feed to my subconscious mind?
  5. Continuous Learning - What do I not know? How will I learn it? How will I share it?
  6. Self Improvement - What can I do better? How can I improve myself? Am I honest with myself?
  7. Creative solutions - What is the big picture: forces, players and relations? How things can be done better? Do I see new ways?

If you know answers to these questions, you don’t need rules to solve problems - you are ready to make good decisions and become an expert.

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